Appointment Book

The Appointment Book makes booking an appointment easy and convenient.
It is open 24/7, available when you are.

Click on the button to view our Appointment Book

To book an appointment, choose a treatment length under “Select Service”.
Then Click “Next”. The Calendar will show you the dates where there is a spot available.
Please help us keep our days seamless by choosing a time immediately after or immediately before another booked appointment. If we need to shift your appointment slightly to avoid gaps in the day, we will notify you. Thank-you for your understanding.

Our online booking system allows you to log in and keep track of all your appointments.

You can create an account on the booking system (Click here to view our Appointment Book), or access it via our Facebook account.  Creating an account also allows you to self-cancel an appointment (with 24-hours notice)!  You will receive an email of your appointment request, a confirmation email, and a reminder email (24 hours before your scheduled appointment).

If you are having trouble logging in or need any assistance, please contact us at 780-814-3407 or email us, and we will walk you through it.

Suggestions about our online Appointment Book? Please Contact us! See you soon!